Describe The Span Of The Given Vectors Geometrically And Algebraically

Describe the span of the given vectors geometrically and algebraically – Delving into the concept of the span of vectors, this discourse explores its geometric and algebraic representations, uncovering the profound relationship between these two perspectives. By examining the span as a subspace within a vector space and illustrating it geometrically, we gain insights into the concept of linear independence and its significance in defining the span’s geometry.

Furthermore, the algebraic representation of the span as a set of linear combinations of given vectors provides a framework for understanding the role of matrices and row operations in finding a basis and determining the span’s dimension.

Unveiling the intricate connection between the geometric and algebraic representations, we elucidate how basis vectors shape the geometry of the span and how the dimension of the span corresponds to the number of linearly independent vectors. Through practical examples drawn from diverse fields such as linear algebra, geometry, and physics, we demonstrate the practical significance of understanding the span of vectors.

Span of Vectors

Describe the span of the given vectors geometrically and algebraically

In linear algebra, the span of a set of vectors is a subspace of the vector space that is generated by those vectors. It represents the set of all possible linear combinations of the given vectors.

Geometric Interpretation, Describe the span of the given vectors geometrically and algebraically

Geometrically, the span of a set of vectors can be visualized as a subspace of the vector space. The vectors in the span form the edges of a parallelepiped, and the span itself is the region enclosed by the parallelepiped.

For example, consider the set of vectors (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1). The span of these vectors is the entire three-dimensional space, since any vector in three-dimensional space can be written as a linear combination of these three vectors.

Algebraic Representation

Algebraically, the span of a set of vectors can be represented as a set of linear combinations of the given vectors. For example, the span of the set of vectors (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)can be represented as the set of all vectors of the form (a, b, c), where a, b, care arbitrary scalars.

The span of a set of vectors can also be represented using matrices. The matrix whose columns are the given vectors is called the span matrix. The span of the set of vectors is then the column space of the span matrix.

Relationship between Geometric and Algebraic Representations

The geometric and algebraic representations of the span of a set of vectors are closely related. The geometric representation provides a visual understanding of the span, while the algebraic representation provides a way to represent the span explicitly as a set of linear combinations.

The basis vectors of the span are the vectors that generate the span. The number of basis vectors is equal to the dimension of the span. The dimension of the span is also equal to the rank of the span matrix.


Understanding the span of vectors is crucial in many areas of mathematics, including linear algebra, geometry, and physics. For example, in linear algebra, the span of a set of vectors is used to determine whether the vectors are linearly independent or dependent.

In geometry, the span of a set of vectors is used to determine the dimension of a subspace. In physics, the span of a set of vectors is used to determine the degrees of freedom of a system.

FAQ Section: Describe The Span Of The Given Vectors Geometrically And Algebraically

What is the geometric interpretation of the span of vectors?

The span of vectors geometrically represents a subspace within the vector space, forming a linear subspace that contains all linear combinations of the given vectors. It can be visualized as a plane, line, or higher-dimensional space, depending on the number of linearly independent vectors.

How is the span of vectors represented algebraically?

Algebraically, the span of vectors is represented as a set of all possible linear combinations of the given vectors. This can be expressed as a linear combination of vectors, where each vector is multiplied by a scalar and the results are added together.

What is the relationship between the geometric and algebraic representations of the span?

The geometric and algebraic representations of the span are closely related. The basis vectors that define the span algebraically also determine its geometric shape. The dimension of the span, which is the number of linearly independent vectors, corresponds to the number of dimensions in the geometric representation.